The Gospel Changes Lives!

You are invited! Join us at 10:30am this Sunday as we seek to glorify The Lord and celebrate the work of Jesus to save sinners.

Location Details

8542 W. Deer Valley Rd. Peoria, AZ 85382

New Sermons

Nehemiah 5:1-13: Love Conquers Social Injustice

As we continue in Nehemiah, it is brought to his attention there is injustice in the way the the Israelites were treating each other. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Don McAllister explains how loving each other can triumph over any social injustice.

Nehemiah 4:15-23: Trusting in God’s Protection

As we continue in Nehemiah, the people are getting back to work building the wall now that the opposition has been handled, trusting in God to lead them through to its completion. In this week’s message, Erik Maness shares how God’s protection protection is meant to encourage us.

Nehemiah 4:1-14: Facing Opposition

As is often the case when doing The Lord’s work, Nehemiah and the Israelites face opposition to rebuilding the Jerusalem Wall. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what we can learn from how Nehemiah dealt with his opposition.

Nehemiah 2:11-20: God Is the Goal

As we continue in Nehemiah, Nehemiah arrives at Jerusalem and sets out to motivate the people to rebuild its walls. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from how Nehemiah approaches this project.