Sermons by Don McAllister

Sermons by Don McAllister

Nehemiah 5:1-13: Love Conquers Social Injustice

As we continue in Nehemiah, it is brought to his attention there is injustice in the way the the Israelites were treating each other. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Don McAllister explains how loving each other can triumph over any social injustice.

Nehemiah 4:1-14: Facing Opposition

As is often the case when doing The Lord’s work, Nehemiah and the Israelites face opposition to rebuilding the Jerusalem Wall. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what we can learn from how Nehemiah dealt with his opposition.

Nehemiah 2:11-20: God Is the Goal

As we continue in Nehemiah, Nehemiah arrives at Jerusalem and sets out to motivate the people to rebuild its walls. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from how Nehemiah approaches this project.

Nehemiah 1:4-11: Call Upon the Lord

After Nehemiah hears the news from Jerusalem, he is lead to go to the Lord in prayer for his people. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what we can learn from Nehemiah’s example.

Nehemiah 1:1-4: What’s in a Name?

Today we start a new series on the book of Nehemiah. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Don McAllister explains just what is meant when we refer to God as being faithful to us, even when we are not faithful to Him.

Galatians 6:11-18: To Sum It Up

We come to the end of our Study of the letter to the Galatians. As Paul wraps up his letter, he takes the time to add a personal touch to the message he has been presenting throughout it. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister breaks down what we can learn from Paul’s closing remarks.

Galatians 6:1-10: Bear with One Another

As we come near the close of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, Paul moves to his encouragement to the church going forward. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister, breaks down the need for those who follow Christ to hold each other up as they pursue God.

Galatians 5:16-26: Walk in The Spirit

As we continue in our walk through Galatians, we come to where Paul compares the fruit of the flesh with that of the Spirit. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares how we need to trust in Jesus to bring the changes the Spirit would bring to us.

Galatians 3:27-4:7: Adoption Through Grace

As we continue in Galatians, we come to where Paul deals with the fact we have been adopted into the family of God. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what we gain as adopted sons and daughters.