Sermons by Don McAllister (Page 2)
Jonah 4:1-11: Exposing What We Lack
As we come to the end of Jonah, we see Jonah not appreciating the work God has done through him. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shows what we can learn from Jonah’s reaction.
Jonah 3:1-10: The Power of God’s Compassion
After being deposited on the shore by the fish, Jonah is once again give the chance to share God’s message with the people of Nineveh. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares how the people react to the message.
Jonah 1:17-2:10: Confidence in the Lord’s Compassion
Last we left off in Jonah, he had been thrown off the boat and was sinking in to the ocean. As God sends the fish o rescue him, Jonah finally turns back to God. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains how God shows compassion to Jonah in his distress.
Jonah 1:7-16: The Call of Compassion
We so often God dealing with sin as Him punishing His people, and while there is an element of this, we tend to forget His compassion is what leads Him to call sin out and deal with it in His people. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares how God’s compassion shapes our lives.
Jonah 1:1-6: Unhealthy Fears and Unhealthy Actions
Jonah was given a message from God for Nineveh. Instead of going to the nation and preaching that word as God instructed, he chose to flee the other direction. As we start this series of sermons in Jonah, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from Jonah’s response to God’s call.
Philippians 4:10-23: Contentment from the Gospel
As we come to the end of our walk through Philippians, we see Paul sharing how he has learned to be content no matter his circumstances. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains how we too can gain contentment through the Gospel message.
Philippians 4:2-9: The Peace of The Gospel
As we come near the end of our study of Philippians, Paul moves to explaining the peace that The Gospel brings to us as believers. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains just how that peace works in our lives.
Philippians 3:12-21: The Goal Ahead, the Path to Follow
As we continue in Philippians, we see how Paul starts to pivot to his goal, which is also the goal he has for the church itself. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister advises us how we can align our goals properly under Christ.
Philippians 3:1-11: Placing Faith in The Gospel
We have a tendency to place out faith in all the wrong things: Money, family, politics, ourselves… anything but God. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares how our faith should be anchored in The Gospel.
Philippians 2:19-30: Discipleship Within the Gospel
As we continue in Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we see how he uses examples of two different people working with him to share the Gospel. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Don McAllister shows how Paul uses these examples to model how we disciple through the Gospel.