Sermons by Don McAllister (Page 5)

Sermons by Don McAllister (Page 5)

Proverbs: Laziness

We continue our trek through the book of Proverbs, we come to the next of the Seven Deadly Sins: Laziness. In this week’s message, Elder Don McAllister shares what Proverbs and the Bible says as a whole about laziness and its trappings.

Proverbs 11:24-28: Greed

As we continue through the book of Proverbs, we start a series of sermons on the Seven Deadly Sins. This week, Elder Don McAllister takes a look at how Greed can ruin your relationship with God and those around you.

Matthew 28:16-20: The Great Commision

The Great Commision. Many of us are familiar with this passage at the end of Matthew’s Gospel. The question is do we take it seriously? In this week’s sermon, Don McAllister explains just how seriously we should take this command from Jesus.

Jeremiah 35:1-19

With the outbreak of COVID-19, everyone may be locked up at home, but the Church continues to gather around the world to hear God’s word. Pastor Don reminds us that in these strange times, Jesus still remains our faithful Savior. When we cannot trust the world, when we definitely cannot trust ourselves, we can always trust Jesus.

Second Sundays – Don McAllister

Second Sundays are designed to give some of our younger leaders a chance to learn to share from God’s Word within the context of the Church. It is a training ground for new leaders. Our first message comes from Don McAllister, who shows how the end of Deuteronomy points to the Gospel. Second Sundays