"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

1 Corinthians 6:1-11: Reconciled for Reconciliation

As Christians, we should not resemble the world when it comes to dealing with grievances with each other. In this week’s message, Erik Maness shares how we are to handle disputes in light of the fact we have been forgiven by God.

Galatians 2:1-10: The Spreading of the Gospel

Paul continues in his letter to the Galatians, showing them how even in the face of deceit, they can rely on the Gospel. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from Paul’s experience with false teachers.

Galatians 1:10-24: To Convey the Gospel

As we continue our exploration of Paul’s letter to the Galatian church, we come to where he defends his role as an Apostle of Christ. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what we can learn from Paul’s defense of his testimony.

Galatians 1:1-9: By Faith

Today, we start a series of sermons on Galatians. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains how important it is we know and understand the true Gospel.

Jonah 3:1-10: The Power of God’s Compassion

After being deposited on the shore by the fish, Jonah is once again give the chance to share God’s message with the people of Nineveh. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares how the people react to the message.

Jonah 1:1-6: Unhealthy Fears and Unhealthy Actions

Jonah was given a message from God for Nineveh. Instead of going to the nation and preaching that word as God instructed, he chose to flee the other direction. As we start this series of sermons in Jonah, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from Jonah’s response to God’s call.

Jeremiah 29:4-14: More than a Promise

Many of us as Christians have been comforted by God’s promises in Jeremiah 29:11, but we tend to forget those promises were not made to us. In this week’s message, Eric Bouchard explains the deeper meaning we can get from the context of these promises.

Philippians 4:2-9: The Peace of The Gospel

As we come near the end of our study of Philippians, Paul moves to explaining the peace that The Gospel brings to us as believers. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains just how that peace works in our lives.