"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)

"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 24)

John 3:16-21: The Love of Christ

As we come to the fourth Sunday of Advent, we look to the love reveals to us through Christ. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks into just what the true love of Christ should mean to us. John 3:16-21

Matthew 1:18-25: The Peace of Christ

When Joseph learned Mary, his fiance, was with child, he was anything but peaceful. In the midst of all this turbulence, however, God sent him a messenger to help him come to peace with the fact this child was indeed of God. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how God often frustrates our plans to ultimately being us peace through Christ. Matthew 1:18-25

Luke 1:67-80: The Hope of Christ

As we start the Advent Season, we look at the Hope expressed by Zachariah’s song of praise after the birth of his son John. Pastor Scott Gourley explains how this hope is still important for us today as Christians. Luke 1:67-80

1 Samuel: 1:1-20: Go In Peace

We often desire things, even things that we think are for God, that do not line up with God’s desires for us. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at the story of Hannah as an example of what it means to gain peace from truly giving our desires to God. 1 Samuel 1:1-20

Matthew 25:31-46: When Did We See You?

In the last of this series of End Time messages from Matthew, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at the separation of the sheep and the goats, breaking down what truly separates one from the other. Matthew 25:31-46

Matthew 25:14-30: Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant

We have all heard the Parable of the Talents, but have we come to realize that, at its heart, it is about the Gospel? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how the story is more about choosing to follow God versus fear than it is about handling money. Matthew 25:14-30

Matthew 24:15-35: Know That He Is Near

As Christians, we know we are not promised an easy life. In fact, we know we will face many tribulations due to our faith. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley advises what we can do when we face these tribulations. Matthew 24:15-35

Matthew 24:1-14: Do Not Be Deceived

Many Christians get worried about the end times, wondering when they will start or reading things into the events in our world. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares that the end times started a long time ago and that we do not need to worry. Matthew 24:1-14

Isaiah 37: 1-38: The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts Will Do This

Who do we trust in times of trial? Do we turn to Jesus, or do we find ourselves trusting in man? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at the faith of king Hezekiah, showing how we can learn to put our faith in God by looking at how he did that in the face of destruction.   Isaiah 37:1-38