"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 29)
Matthew 17:24-27: Then the Sons Are Free
The Gospel can be offensive. The problem is as Christians, we often end up being the ones who offend. In this week’s message, Pastor Scot Gourley looks at an example of how Jesus chose not to offend others despite the right to refuse to play the Temple Tax. Matthew 17:24-27
Matthew 17:14-23: Because of Your Little Faith
Sometimes we read a verse or story in Scripture like Jesus casting out a demon the disciples could not, and we are not sure how they apply to us. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at this story and explains what we can learn from it. Matthew 17:14-23
Matthew 17:1-13: And He Was Transfigured before Them
The Transfiguration of Jesus is often a story that gets overlooked. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares just how important the timing of this story was and what it means to us today. Matthew 17:1-13
Matthew 16:24-28: If Anyone Desires to Follow After Me
We have a tendency to surrender only part of our lives to Christ, but He calls for everything, even to the point of dying to ourselves. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares just what this means. Matthew 16:24-28
Matthew 16:20-23: The Suffering Savior
The people of Israel had certain expectations of the Messiah, as did even the 12 Apostles. Jesus, however, did not come to meet those expectations. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what happens when our expectations do not match God’s reality. Matthew 16:20-23
Matthew 16:13-20: I Will Build My Church
Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ is the foundation of the Church. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at why this confession is so important and what it means for us today. Matthew 16:13-20
Matthew 16:5-12: The Leaven of Disbelief
We often try to put our faith in the things around us to save us or make us feel satisfied. The problem is there is nothing that can save us except Jesus, and only He can truly satisfy. This week, Pastor Scott talks about this through Jesus’ warnings about the leaven of the Pharisees. Matthew 16:5-12
Matthew 15:21-28: Even the Dogs
Sometimes we struggle to see why Jesus acts as he does. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley focuses on one of these stories, showing how Jesus acts as a teacher, and showing us how we can learn from it as well. Matthew 15:21-28
Matthew 15:1-20: What Defiles a Person
The world seeks to blame others for its problems, but we as Christians know the real problem lies within the hearts of men. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what the true problem is with our hearts and how Jesus is the only one who can fix them. Matthew 15:1-20
Matthew 14:34-36: As Many As Touched It
Jesus heals, but He often does not heal in the way we expect or from what we think we need to be healed. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley addresses the issue of true healing and how we can help others be healed. Matthew 14:34-36