"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 29)

"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 29)

Psalm 80 Restore Us, O Lord

The coming of the Messiah was a message of peace, but during the Christmas season, peace can be hard to find. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley reminds us of the true peace only Christ can give. Psalm 80

Psalm 42: I Shall Again Praise Him

We start this Advent Season with the focus on Hope. There are times in our life that Hope seems so far from us, yet we as Christians should always see hope in Christ. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we can do this in the midst of our present struggles. Psalm 42

1 John 1:5-10: Walk in the Light

John sets out a strong argument for what it means to walk in the light of God in 1 John. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Kyle Hall explains what this means to us. 1 John 1:5-10

Matthew 17:24-27: Then the Sons Are Free

The Gospel can be offensive. The problem is as Christians, we often end up being the ones who offend. In this week’s message, Pastor Scot Gourley looks at an example of how Jesus chose not to offend others despite the right to refuse to play the Temple Tax. Matthew 17:24-27

Matthew 17:14-23: Because of Your Little Faith

Sometimes we read a verse or story in Scripture like Jesus casting out a demon the disciples could not, and we are not sure how they apply to us. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at this story and explains what we can learn from it. Matthew 17:14-23

Matthew 16:20-23: The Suffering Savior

The people of Israel had certain expectations of the Messiah, as did even the 12 Apostles. Jesus, however, did not come to meet those expectations. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what happens when our expectations do not match God’s reality. Matthew 16:20-23

Matthew 16:13-20: I Will Build My Church

Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ is the foundation of the Church. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at why this confession is so important and what it means for us today. Matthew 16:13-20