"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)
Mark 1:1-8: Pave the Way
It had been years since the last prophet had spoken in Israel. They were living under Roman occupation, and they were looking for a savior. Little did they know one they did not expect was coming, and even more that Someone completely unexpected would proclaim Him. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister explains what we can learn from this time period in our time of uncertainty.
Core Values
At The Way Fellowship Church, we hold to four Core Values: Scriptural Authority, Gospel Centrality, Biblical Community, and Making Disciplers. The question one can ask, however, is what do each of these Core Vales mean? In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall explains what these values mean to us.
Exodus 6:1-7:5: Remembering Gospel Promises
Moses thinks he stands defeated. Pharaoh will not let the people go, and even the people have turned on him due to the extra labor given them. God, however, is still in control, and He reminds Moses He will free His people on His time for His glory. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall explains what we can learn when we remember the Gospel promises God has made.
Exodus 5:1-23: Dealing with Discouragement
After heading to Egypt to meet with Aaron and his people Moses and his brother go before Pharaoh. Despite the fact that God has told them He will be with them, Pharaoh opposes them and makes life even more difficult for the people. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall shares how Moses deals with the discouragement he faces.
Exodus 4:18-31: Preparing for God’s Mission
After meeting God at the burning bush, Moses hastens to go to Egypt to fulfill his mission, yet he still struggles with what God is calling him to do. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall uses Moses example to show how we should prepare for what God is calling each of us to do.
Exodus 4:1-17: Heavenly Sending – Earthly Excuses Part 2
As we continue the discourse between Moses and God at the burning bush, we see Moses continuing to come up with excuses for why he should not be the one, yet for every excuse, God has an answer. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Kyle Hall explains how God provides for us all, so that we do not have excuses either.
Exodus 3:7-22: Heavenly Sending – Earthy Excuses
As we return to our walk through the book of Exodus, we come to the point where God tells Moses that He will use him to deliver the Israelites, something Moses strongly doubts he can do. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Kyle Hall breaks the start of Moses’ excuses and how God’s answer to them still resonates with us today.
Exodus 2:1-23: God’s Care for His People
As we continue our study of Exodus, we come to the introduction of Moses. In this week’s message, Erik Maness shares what we can learn from the origin of Moses.
Matthew 28:16-20: All of His Mission
As Christians, we are all familiar with the Great Commission. Part of the problem with this familiarity, however, is we maybe overlook what Christ was really asking us to do. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall looks at just what Jesus meant when He sent us into the world to make disciples.
2 Peter 3:1-10: He Will Come Again
As Peter continues in his second letter, he pivots to dealing with those in his day who were denying that Jesus would return again for His own. In this week’s passage, Pastor Kyle Hall explains how we face similar denials of God currently and how we can handle them.