"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 31)
Matthew 12:22-37: Stop Resisting the Holy Spirit
Blasphemy if the Holy Spirit is a hard concept to understand, but it is one that Jesus lays out to us in the Gospel of Matthew. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains just what this difficult passage means. Matthew 12:22-37
Matthew 12:1-21: Lord of the Sabbath, Lord of All
The Pharisees had created a large list of rules for people to follow on the Sabbath. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley not only shows how they were in the wrong for doing this, but he shows how we still do it today, and how Jesus is Lord over it all. Matthew 12:1-21
Matthew 11:25-30: By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
As Christians, we know we are saved by Grace through Faith, but what does that really mean. As we continue through the book of Matthew, Pastor Scott Gourley breaks down what Jesus had to say in this particular passage on this subject. Matthew 11:25-30
Matthew 11:1-24: When Expectations Begin to Overshadow God’s Reality
John the Baptist had doubts about who Jesus was while he was in prison. Jesus answered him by pointing him back to Scripture to get his expectations set right. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how our expectations often get in the way of what God is doing and what we can do about that. Matthew 11:1-24
Matthew 10:34-42: The Gospel Is a Sword
We tend to think Jesus came to bring peace to all the Earth, but that is not what Jesus taught about Himself. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley examines when Jesus meant when He said he did not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34-42
Matthew 10:16-33: I Am Sending You Out
While in the United States, we do not face the same level of persecution our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world do, it is clear in Scripture that we will be persecuted if we follow Christ. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley addresses how we can hold fast in the midst of any persecution. Matthew 10:16-33
Matthew 10:1-15: Sent Out
Last week we looked at Jesus telling his followers to pray for workers to enter God’s Harvest. This week, Pastor Scott Gourley shows us that we are the workers. Matthew 10:1-15
Matthew 9:35-38: Pray Earnestly
About a year ago, Pastor Scott Gourley preached on this passage in Luke, and we as a church committed to seeing 21 lives transformed by the Gospel. As we come to it again in Matthew, Pastor Scott looks at what it means now and were he may have missed the most important part of the passage. Matthew 9:35-38
Matthew 9:27-34: Have Mercy on Us
This passage where Jesus heals the blind and mute seems in odd contrast to the healings done in the previous section, yet they are tied together In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at what we can learn about Jesus from how he handled these two healings. Matthew 9:27-34
Matthew 9:18-26: Life Out of Despair
We believe Jesus is capable of restoring us to new life, but sometimes we forget that He has the compassion and desire to heal us. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott goes through two separate examples showing how Jesus has the compassion to save us. Matthew 9:18-26