"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 36)
Matthew 4:23-25 Jesus’ Ministry Is Our Ministry
If we are to strive to be like Jesus, then it makes sense that His ministry would be out ministry as well. This week, Pastor Scott shares how we can follow Jesus’ example in His ministry. Matthew 4:23-25
Mathew 4:12-17 Kingdom Come
Jesus started his ministry with a call to repentance. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott shares how important repentance is for us today. Mathew 412-17 Kingdom Come
Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus Baptized
Before Jesus began his public ministry, he was Baptized by John the Baptist. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott shares why he was baptized and why we should be as well. Matthew 3:13-17
Matthew 3:1-12 Preparing the Way of the Lord
John the Baptist was called by God to prepare the way for His Son. In this week’s message, Jay Shawler shares what it means to be prepared for Jesus. Matthew 3:1-12
Matthew 2:13-23 A Dragon, a Child and Murder
We often picture Jesus’ birth and early years as being peaceful, but that was far from the truth. Pastor Scott shares both from Matthew and the book of Revelation the story of how the enemy sought to destroy Jesus and still seeks to destroy the Church today. Matthew 2:13-23
Matthew 2:1-12 Wise Men Worship the King
In this the first sermon in our series on the book of Matthew, Pastor Scott shares how important it is that we see Jesus not just as Savior but as King. Matthew 2:1-12
Psalm 139 Search Me and Know Me
We always seem to put our trust in the things of man instead of in God. In this week”s sermon, Pastor Scott shows us how only Jesus is truly worthy of our trust. Psalm 139
Exodus 20:8-11 Physical Rest
This week, Pastor Scott finishes up his series on The Sabbath by addressing our need for a true day of rest in the Lord. Exodus 20:8-11
Hebrews 3:7-4:11 Spiritual Rest
There are many misunderstandings about the Sabbath and what it symbolizes. In this first of a two part series, Pastor Scott shares how only Jesus can provide true spiritual rest. Hebrews 3:7-4:11
John 12:12-19 Missunderstood Messiah Missunderstood Mission
As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Jews were expecting a conquering Messiah. They did not understand His true purpose. Pastor Scott addresses this in this week’s sermon. John 12:12-19