"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 38)
Isaiah 12:1-6 Jesus Our Well of Salvation
As we enter the Christmas season, Pastor Scott talks about how Jesus is the well of our salvation. Isaiah 12:1-6
Core Values: Life of Worship
Pastor Scott finishes this series on the Core values of The Way by discussing what it means to lead a life of worship. This sermon had worship songs and other congregational interactions interspersed throughout. As we could not include those sections, the recording may seem to jump a bit from point to point. Life of Worship
Core Values: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 The Blessing of Giving
Pastor Scott talks about what it truly means to be a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Core Values: John 13:1-20 The Joy of Serving
Pastor Scott discusses the fact that we as members of The Way should want to serve others as Christ has served us. John 13:1-20
Core Values: Acts 2:42-47 The Necessity of Community
Pastor Joel Larson continues the series on our Core Values by discussing the need to be a part of the church community. Acts 2:42-47
Core Values: Romans 1:16-17 The Priority of the Gospel
Continuing the series on the Core Values of The Way, Pastor Scott addresses the Priority of the Gospel. Romans 1:16-17
Core Values: Matthew 4:17 The Advancement of the Kingdom
Kyle Hall continues the series on the Core Values of The Way Fellowship Church by discussing what it means to advance the kingdom of God. Matthew 4:17
Core Values: 2 Peter 3:14-17 The Authority of Scripture
In the first sermon in the series looking at the Core Values of The Way Fellowship Church, Pastor Scott speaks to the authority of Scripture. 2 Peter 3:14-17
Psalm 108 A Model for Worship
This week, Pastor Scott delves into the Psalms for a model of just what it means to worship God. Psalm 108
Acts 1-2 God-Given Values
Pastor Scott shares how the mission of the Church must be motivated by the things God values, not by the things the world values. Acts 1-2