"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 43)
Jonah 4:1-11 Trusting God Is Hard Work
Pastor Scott wraps up this series on Jonah with a difficult passage, the last chapter of the book of Jonah. What can we learn from Jonah’s anger towards God for sparing Ninevah? Jonah 4:1-11
Jonah 3:1-10 A Biblical, Church Growth Method
When Jonah warned Ninevah of the impending judgment of God, the entire city repented. This week, Pastor Scott discusses what we can learn from this story when it comes to sharing the gospel ourselves. Jonah 3:1-10
Jonah 1:17-2:10 Yet I Shall Look Again
When Jonah went running from God’s call, God in his love sent a storm to stop him. He then sent a fish to swallow Jonah after he was thrown overboard, delivering him on dry land three days later. Jonah’s repentance while in the belly of the fish is the key. This week, Scott talks about that repentance and the redemption that is offered to all who repent through Jesus’ sacrifice. Jonah 1:17-2:10
Jonah 1:7-17 It’s Not About the Fish
At first glance, Jonah appears to only be about a rebellious prophet God uses in spite of his every attempt to avoid sharing God’s mercy. When you look more closely at the story, however, you see there is a whole lot more going on than that. This week, Pastor Scott looks beyond the surface story of Jonah to draw out the parallels to Jesus. Jonah 1:7-17
Jonah 1:1-6 God’s Glory in Salvation
When Jonah tried to run from God’s direction, God used his disobedience to witness to the sailors on the boat on which Jonah chose to book passage. Pastor Scott looks at this part of the story of Jonah and how it applies to us today. Jonah 1:1-6
Jonah 1:1-3 God’s Mercy to the Nations
In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley starts a new series on the book of Jonah. The message: God will show His mercy to the nations, with or without our cooperation. Jonah 1:1-3
Matthew 6:9-13: Forgiveness
Forgiveness is such a core issue for Christianity. The problem is the world’s view on forgiveness does not line up with what Jesus taught. Joel Larson looks to what the Lord’s Prayer has to teach us about true forgiveness. Matthew 6:9-13
Matthew 28:18-20: The Need to Evangelize, Make Disciples and Train Leaders
In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. Living in Phoenix, we have all nations coming to us. Ryan Storch, member of The Way and now full time staff with Christian Challenge, shares his heart for college ministry in this week’s sermon. Matthew 28:18-20
The Discipline of a Biblical Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Discipline of a Biblical Church
The Membership of a Biblical Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Membership of a Biblical Church