"Sunday Sermons" Tagged Sermons (Page 44)
Matthew 28:18-20: The Need to Evangelize, Make Disciples and Train Leaders
In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. Living in Phoenix, we have all nations coming to us. Ryan Storch, member of The Way and now full time staff with Christian Challenge, shares his heart for college ministry in this week’s sermon. Matthew 28:18-20
The Discipline of a Biblical Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Discipline of a Biblical Church
The Membership of a Biblical Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Membership of a Biblical Church
The Leadership of a Biblical Church: Elders
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Leadership of a Biblical Church: Elders
The Leadership of a Biblical Church: Deacons
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Leadership of a Biblical Church: Deacons
The Purpose of the Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Purpose of the Church
The Marks of a Biblical Church
What is a biblical church? There are all sorts of churches, but are they biblical? What does Scripture say about the church, and as evangelicals, are we producing healthy churches that glorify Jesus? This is a six week series that seeks to answer these and many other questions. The Marks of a Biblical Church