Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 22)
Revelation 1:9-20: The King of Glory
In today’s message, we are introduced to the four main themes of Revelation. 1) We will experience persecution, but 2)Jesus wins, and so 3) we must be ready in Christ, and 4) we must persevere in Christ. And how can we do that? By continuing to behold Jesus’ supreme glory.
Revelation 1:1-8: The Revelation of Jesus
In these times of uncertainty and anxiety, the revelation of Jesus Christ brings comfort to His children. He “who is and was and is to come” is the King who reigns over all things. We need not fear what surrounds us now or what will meet us tomorrow. The Lord has won! He is our Victor! Let us prepare our hearts for His return; let us persevere in times of trial and suffering.
John 5:30-47: Who Will You Believe?
Jesus continues to address the Pharisees about their lack of faith. They put their faith in their own righteousness—their own ability to follow the Law—but ironically, they failed to see how the Law pointed to Jesus, the only one who could fulfill all the Law. Their faith was misguided. How are you and I similar?
John 5:19-29: Authority over Life and Death
Today’s message flows out of last week’s. There, Jesus healed a man, who had been lame for 38 years, but he did not believe. Here, Jesus proclaims He will do even greater works than this, works of life and death. As we “shelter in place,” Jesus’ words of life—his declaration of authority over death itself should bring us great encouragement. He holds death and life in His hands, and we can trust Him.
John 5:1-18: From Lameness to Even Greater Lameness
In this week’s message, Pastor Scott teaches on a lame man, who Jesus healed in spite of his lack of faith. The one healed did not “see” the sign in his own healing, but you and I can. Jesus came, not to heal men, women, and children physically but, to make them spiritually whole.
Jeremiah 35:1-19
With the outbreak of COVID-19, everyone may be locked up at home, but the Church continues to gather around the world to hear God’s word. Pastor Don reminds us that in these strange times, Jesus still remains our faithful Savior. When we cannot trust the world, when we definitely cannot trust ourselves, we can always trust Jesus.
John 4:46-54 – Your Son Lives
When an official whose son was sick hears Jesus was in Galilee, he sought Him to heal his son. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from this story, especially in light of current events. John 4:46-54
John 4:27-45 And Many More Believed
This week, as we finish up the story of the woman at the well, we see both the reactions of Jesus’ disciples as they see Him talking with her and the reaction of the town when she runs back to tell them she has found the Messiah. Listen in as Pastor Scott Gourely challenges us through this passage to get serious about sharing the Gospel. John 4:27-45
John 4:1-26 – Living Water
Many times, we try to hide our sin, acting as if if no one sees it, then maybe God does not see it either. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows through the story of the woman at the well that we must have our sin exposed to be able to have true forgiveness. John 4:1-26
John 3:22-36 – Whoever Believes
As Jesus’ fame begins to spread, the disciples of John the Baptist start to feel left out. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what we all can learn from John’s humble response when his disciples point out that everyone is headed to Jesus. John 3:22-36