Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 28)

Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 28)

Matthew 26:69-75: Peter’s Trial

Peter swore he would never deny Jesus. Yet just a few hours later, he was cursing Jesus and denying him to the crowd of people gathered for Jesus’ trials. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows what we can learn from this and how Christ’s sacrifice saves us from all our sin. Matthew 26:69-75

Matthew 26:57-68: A Mock Trial

After Jesus’ arrest, He is taken to a series of “trials” to justify what those in power were going to do to Him. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how this injustice was used to bring righteousness to us, and how we are often fall into the same traps as those looking to accuse Jesus. Matthew 26:57-68

Matthew 26:47-56: Powerfully Vulnerable

Jesus could easily have stopped His arrest, either through His own power or by calling upon the Army of the Lord. He chose instead to allow for His arrest to allow God’s will to be fufilled. In this weeks message, Kaylob Stumbaugh shares what we can learn from Jesus’ intentional vulnerability. Matthew 26:47-56

Matthew 26: 36-46: Not As I Will But As You Will

As Jesus approached the cross, He knew the suffering he would face. His concern over this drove Him to take the disciples with Him to Gesthemane, where He prayed for God to provide another way, but if no other way could be found, that not His will but God’s be done. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what we can learn from Jesus’ willingness to surrender Hiss will to the Father. Matthew 26: 36-46

Matthew 26:30-35: Scattered And Yet Gathered

Peter was one of the first disciples to follow Jesus. He walked with the Lord through all the ministry and miracles, and he was even the first to acknowledge Jesus was the Christ. Yet as the disciples left the Lord’s Supper, Jesus predicts that Peter will deny Him. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from Jesus’ prediction of Peter’s denial. Matthew 26:30-35

Matthew 26:17-29: Is It I?

We look at Judas’ betrayal of Jesus as an aberration, something that the majority of people, especially each of us, would never have done. In actuality, we are not that far removed from Judas, and apart from the saving work of Christ, we cannot be saved. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at lead up to the betrayal and the Last Supper, explaining how we need Jesus just as much as Judas did. Matthew 26:17-29

Matthew 26:1-16: Passover Is Coming

We resume our series on the Book of Matthew with the  transition to the Passover. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall explains the differing reactions of the major players in the Passover that lead to the crucifixion and how they still apply today. Matthew 26:1-16

John 3:16-21: The Love of Christ

As we come to the fourth Sunday of Advent, we look to the love reveals to us through Christ. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks into just what the true love of Christ should mean to us. John 3:16-21

Luke 2:8-14: The Joy of Christ

We seek joy in so many things that can only provide it temporarily. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how the only lasting joy is the one found in Christ. Luke 2:8-14

Matthew 1:18-25: The Peace of Christ

When Joseph learned Mary, his fiance, was with child, he was anything but peaceful. In the midst of all this turbulence, however, God sent him a messenger to help him come to peace with the fact this child was indeed of God. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how God often frustrates our plans to ultimately being us peace through Christ. Matthew 1:18-25