Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 30)
Hebrews 11:13-16: Strangers and Exiles
As Christians, we are advised to live as if this world is not our home, but while that is a great theory, it can be hard to do in Practice. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall walks us through an example of this by focusing on Abraham. Hebrews 11:13-16
Psalm 99: Worship of a Holy God
We tend to downplay the holiness of God, but understanding that He is Holy and just what that means is essential if we are truly going to worship Him. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall talks about what it means to worship a holy God. Psalm 99: Worship of a Holy God
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Joy
As we close in on the end of this series on 10 Spiritual Disciplines, we come to one that may not be seen as a discipline: Joy. In this final message in the series, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how the idea of practicing Joy is indeed a discipline. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Joy
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Giving
Giving. It is a subject we often do not want addressed in the church, yet it is one that is central to who we are and where our heart is. With that in mind, Pastor Scott Gourley shares why it is important that we give of our time, talents, and treasure. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Giving
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Fasting
Fasting. It is something we tend to not even consider in our general lives, but it is something the Bible teaches on more than Baptism. So why do we ignore it? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares why it is important we fast. 10 Spiritual Laws: Fasting
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Simplicity
We live in a world that is ever distracting and growing more complex by the day. With that in mind, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how to live a Gospel of Simplicity. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Simplicity
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Community
It might seem rather odd to think of Community as a discipline, but for many of us who like to be on our own or just with out families, it very often can take discipline to truly be a part of a church fellowship. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains just what it means to practive the discipline of Community. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Community
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Rest and Recreation
We are such a busy culture, so much so we rarely take time to rest. Things is, we are commanded to do just that in Scripture through observance of the Sabbath. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley explains just why we are commanded to Sabbath and how important resting in the Lord is. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Rest and Recreation
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Study and Meditation
We know we need to spend time in the Word and in prayer, but we rarely do. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley addresses why this is the case and why it is so important we study and and meditate on God’s Word. Study and Meditaion
10 Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer
We often run to God with our needs without really thinking about what prayer really means. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley looks to the Lord’s Prayer as an example of what our prayer life should be. 10 Spiritual Disciplines: Prayer