Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 33)

Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 33)

Matthew 21:33-46 A Kingdom Producing Fruit

Building off last weeks message, Jesus continues to discuss matters of His authority with the religious leaders. Pastor Scott Gourley breaks down what we can learn from the Parable of the Tenants. Matthew 21:33-46

Matthew 21:23-32 By What Authority?

As Jesus is teaching in the Temple, the religious leaders ask whom on whose authority He is teaching. Jesus’ answer show an understanding of what was really in their hearts, and in this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how it applies to us today. Matthew 21:23-32 

Matthew 21:18-22 The King’s Good Desires

While in Jerusalem, Jesus goes to a fig tree to get some fruit, only to find there is none. He then curses the tree, and it immediately withers. The question is why? Why does Matthew include this story in the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion? Pastor Scott Gourley looks at this text in this week’s sermon, showing it has nothing to do with the fig tree and everything to do with faith. Matthew 21:18-22

Daniel 6 Unwavering Faith

In light of persecution, Daniel held fast to what God had commanded. In this week’s message, Dan Best shares what we can learn from Daniel’s story. Daniel 6

Matthew 20:29-34 Two Blind Men Follow Jesus

As Jesus is headed to Jerusalem to fulfill the Father’s plan, two blind men ask Him for healing. It would have been easy to just pass them by, but Jesus showed compassion to them, even as He was headed down the road that would lead to His death. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from this story. Matthew 20:29-34

Matthew 20:1-16 Life Through Lenses Of Grace

The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard is well known, but what does it teach us about God’s grace. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall shares just what it means to look at life through the eyes of grace. Matthew 20:1-16

Matthew 19:21-35 Who Then Can Be Saved

The story of the rich young man coming to Jesus to ask what he must do to earn eternal life is widely known, but what does this story really mean to us as Christians. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley teaches the true meaning of this passage. Matthew 19:21-35

Matthew 18:21-35 Forgiveness

We all struggle with the issue of forgiveness from time to time, In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley addresses the topic of forgiveness in light of God’s forgiveness of us in Christ. Matthew 18:21-35