Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 38)
Matthew 8:5-13: The Faith of a Roman Centurion
When we read scripture, we often think of ourselves as the insider, as a part of God’s people. In reality, we are more like the outsider than we like to admit. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott explains how we can take comfort in the fact that Jesus shows grace to those who would be considered enemies of God. Matthew 8:5-13
Matthew 8:1-4 Spiritual Lepers in Need
As we resume our walk through Matthew, Pastor Scott Gourley looks at the story of the leper healed by Jesus immediately after the Sermon on the Mount and explains what it means for us today. Matthew 8:1-4
Luke 15:25-32: The Loving Father and the Older Son
We often focus on the younger son in the parable of the Prodigal Son. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott focusses on the older of the two sons and the idea that we need to understand the depth of God’s grace for us before we can share it with others. Luke 15:25-32
Luke 15:11-24: The Loving Father and the Younger Son
Most of us are familiar with the story of the Prodigal Son. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how we sometimes miss the point of the story entirely. Luke 15:11-24
The Marks of a True Christian
When people look at as as Christians, they should see a difference between us and the rest of the world. In this Sunday’s sermon, Erik Maness shares what marks should set us apart. The Marks of a True Christian
1 Kings 16:29-17:7: The Supremacy Of God Over Idols
God demonstrated His supremacy over the idols of Ahab through Elijah and the fact He held back the rain. How does this story apply to us in the current day? Pastor Kyle Hall breaks down what this means to us in relation to the world around us. 1 Kings 16:29-17:7
Psalm 67: May God Be Gracious to Us
What is the ultimate mission of the Church? How do we reach out to a lost world and show them the risen Christ? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley examines this question and presents a different light on the answers to these questions. Psalm 67
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: People Get Ready, Jesus Is Coming Soon
Christmas is about the arrival of Christ on earth. When celebrating Advent, however, one also focuses on His promised return. On this Christmas morning, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we can rejoice in the fact Jesus is coming again. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
John 3:16-18: Jesus, Our Love
What does it really mean that God so loved the world that He sent His Son to save it? Save the world from what? This week, Pastor Scott Gourley addresses what the love of God truly means and how it was demonstrated by sending His Son Jesus to be our Savior. John 3:16-18
Luke 2:8-21: Jesus, Our Joy
Many times, we try to find joy in the things of this world, only to come up empty handed. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how true joy can only be found in Jesus. Luke 2:8-21