Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 43)

Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 43)

Titus 2:1-10 Teachers of Grace

What role do we as Christians have in showing teaching others about God’s grace? Jay Shawler addresses this question as we continue our series in Titus. Titus 2:1-10

Titus 1:1-14 Servants of Grace

This week, we start a new series called “Titus: Grace That Transforms Us.” To start us off, Pastor Kyle Hall explains how we are all servants of God’s grace. Titus 1:1-14

Luke 10:17-24 Eternal VS Temporal Joys

As Christians, we know it is important to serve God. What happens when our service to Him becomes more important than loving Him? Pastor Scott addresses that in this week’s sermon. Luke 10:17-24

Romans 12:9 Without Hipocrisy

We hear the phrase all the time: “Love Wins.” Question is, what is true love? This week, Pastor Scott looks to what Paul says in terms of truly loving others. Romans 12:9