Sermons on Sunday Worship (Page 43)
Romans 12:9 Without Hipocrisy
We hear the phrase all the time: “Love Wins.” Question is, what is true love? This week, Pastor Scott looks to what Paul says in terms of truly loving others. Romans 12:9
Isaiah 63:1-3 Jesus Our Great Redeemer
Christmas may be past, but the redemption Jesus provides does not end there. Pastor Scott addresses the redemption Jesus provides us. Isaiah 63:1-3
Isaiah 25:1-12 Jesus Our Eternal Joy
Pastor Scott picks what may be a bit of an unusual sermon leading into Christmas, but through it he explains how we have eternal joy in Jesus. Isaiah 25:1-2
Isaiah 12:1-6 Jesus Our Well of Salvation
As we enter the Christmas season, Pastor Scott talks about how Jesus is the well of our salvation. Isaiah 12:1-6
Core Values: 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 The Blessing of Giving
Pastor Scott talks about what it truly means to be a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
Core Values: John 13:1-20 The Joy of Serving
Pastor Scott discusses the fact that we as members of The Way should want to serve others as Christ has served us. John 13:1-20
Core Values: Acts 2:42-47 The Necessity of Community
Pastor Joel Larson continues the series on our Core Values by discussing the need to be a part of the church community. Acts 2:42-47
Core Values: Matthew 5:5-15 The Power of Prayer
As we continue looking at the Core Values of The Way, Pastor Scott focuses on the power of prayer. Matthew 5:5-15
Core Values: John 16:7-8 The Work of the Holy Spirit
Kyle Hall explains how the work of the Holy Spirit is vial to the life of a believer. John 16:7-8
Core Values: Matthew 28:19-20 The Call to Discipleship
Pastor Scott explains why making disciples who in turn make disciples is a core value of The Way. Matthew 28:19-20