Genesis 40:1-23: A Dream Come True
As we continue with the story of Joseph, we start to come to the turning point, where God begins to show Joseph His true sovereignty over all that has happened. In this week’s message, Pastor Don McAllister shares what it means to us that God is indeed sovereign.
Genesis 39:1-23: The Lord’s Abiding Presence
We get back into the story of Joseph this week, with him going from one form of suffering to another after being exalted. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how we can learn from Joseph’s story that God is with us in the midst of our suffering and how we can rely on Him in the midst of it.
Genesis 38:1-30: Redemptive Grace for the Worst of Sinners
As we continue in the over-arcing story of Joseph, we come to Judah and Tamar, a very clear story of the ugliness of sin. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how even in this horrible story, God’s redemptive love shines through.
Genesis 37:1-36: The Unforeseen Consequences of a Dreamer’s Arrogance
Most Christians are familiar with the story of Joseph, but many of us have a tendency to overlook the significance of his story, especially the early parts of it. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from both the arrogance of Joseph and the hatred that lead to the actions of his brothers.
John 14:1-7: The Exclusivity of Jesus
Many professing Christians are finding it more and more difficult to hold to the belief that Jesus is the only way to heaven. The Bible is clear about it, but our sinful hearts have a tendency to want to see leeway there for the sake of our friends and neighbors. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how important it is to hold to the fact that Jesus is the only way.
John 17:13-19: The Word of God
It can be really easy to lose heart when watching the way this world is headed. If we are to hold onto Him, we need something to which we can be anchored. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how God’s Word helps to guard us and transform us in light of this present time.
Genesis 36:1-37:2: Two Sons, Two Nations, Two Lands, and Two Lists; But One Promise
We often tend to tune out when we come to Scripture that is just a list of the generations of different families. Thing is, these verses were included in the Bible for a reason, and if we really look at all Scripture as being God breathed, then we need to include these passages. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows us just what we can learn from the list of Esau’s family in Genesis 36.
Genesis 35:16-29: Death Defeated, Life Eternal
As we continue to wrap up the focus on Israel and move to Joseph, we find the effects of sin following Israel’s family, but the promise of new life does as well. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley unpacks both the curse of sin and the promise of life fulfilled in Christ’s death and resurrection.
Genesis 35:1-15: God Has Revealed Himself
In chapter 35, Genesis begins to pivot from the story of Jacob to that of Joseph. As a part of this pivot, God appears to Jacob to once again give him the name Israel, the name by which he is referred going forward. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how God chooses to reveal Himself to us today and what our responses should be when He does.
Genesis 34:1-31: Justice Deferred
As we return to Genesis, we come to one of the more difficult passages in Scripture, where one person’s sin leads to more and more sin and injustice. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we can look at this story and still see God’s hand at work and experience His mercy through Christ.