Genesis 30:24-43: Spotted, Speckled, and Streaked
As we continue in the story of Jacob, we see him trying to help God accomplish what He promised in dealing with Laban’s scheming. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we often do the same.
Genesis 29:31-30:24: Three’s a Crowd
In last week’s message, we saw how Jacob not waiting for God to provide a spouse led to him having two wives, one of whom was not his choosing. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley delves into the fallout from that in the lives of Leah, Rachel, and Jacob, exposing how we often rely on things other than Christ to fulfill us.
Genesis 29:1-30: The Deceiver Deceived
As we continue with Jacob’s story, we come to him meeting Rachel and being deceived by Laban. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how we often like Jacob rush into things without seeking God but how God still chooses to intercede for us.
Genesis 28:10-22: The Stairway to Heaven
As Jacob flees from Esau, he lays down for a night’s rest and is visited by God in a dream. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from this encounter and the fact that it is more important to seek the One Who blesses than the blessing.
Genesis 26:34-28:9: Connivers and Schemers
Many people in this world manipulate things behind the scenes to get what they want. This is nothing new, as this week’s passage from Genesis about Rachel and Jacob stealing the blessing Isaac intended for Esau will show. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how the main characters of this story, including Isaac, tried to scheme to get things their way and how we often do the same.
Genesis 26:1-33: The Blessing Passed Down
As Isaac grew up and moved on in his life, God met him and made the same promises to him He had made to his father Abraham. In this week’s passage, Pastor Scott Gourley shares what we can learn from these stories in Genesis.
Genesis 25:27-34: The Glory of Christ in Dysfunctional Families
After starting out so strong, Isaac and Rebekah’s life and family turn away from God and make idols of each other. This dysfunction ends up costing Esau everything, and it leads to major contention between Jacob and him later. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains the importance of surrendering our lives and families fully to Christ.
Genesis 25: 19-26: Sovereign Grace
As Christians, we acknowledge that the Lord is sovereign, but what does that mean, and how far does His sovereignty extend. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how God is sovereign in all tings.
Genesis 25:1-18: The Lord Reigns in All Things
This world seems to be in utter chaos, and many people think that no one is in control. As Christians, we know God ultimately is in control and Jesus is still King of Kings, but sometimes even knowing that, we wonder if God really is at work. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains just how we as Christians can find rest in the fact God ultimately reigns over everything.
Genesis 24: 10-67: And He Brought Her to Him
As we continue the story of the transition between Abraham to Issac in Genesis, we see not only the faith of Eliezer but that of Rebekah as she goes with him to become Isaac’s bride. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what we can learn from Rebekah in this passage.