Sermons (Page 19)

Sermons (Page 19)

Revelation 20:1-11: The Dragon – Bound, Released, and Tormented

In Revelation 20, we come to the part of the story where Satan is finally judged. There have been various interpretations of these verses throughout the years, and in this week’s message, but in the end, the important part is Jesus will reign and Satan will be defeated. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley takes the time to present some of these interpretations and how we as Christians should view this passage.       Below are the four…

Revelation 19:1-10: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

As we come near the end of Revelation, we see the saints rejoicing in the judgment of the world and in celebration that is to come with Jesus being established as the true King. in this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how the image of the wedding used in this part of Revelation is not new but is something that is present throughout the Bible.

Revelation 17:1-18: The Lamb Will Conquer Them

As we continue in Revelation, we come to the pronouncement of judgment on Babylon. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how the Babylon in Revelation compares to what we see in society now and how, no matter how hard things will get for the saints, Jesus has and will ultimately overcome the world.

Revelation 16:1-21: It Is Done!

Despite all of the judgments and plagues poured out on mankind coming into Revelation 16, people refuse to repent and submit to God. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how we would do the same apart from the Spirit’s working in our lives and how God’s ultimate judgment against man is just and loving.

Psalm 51: A Sinner’s Prayer

David is often called a man after God’s own heart. This does not mean he did not sin, however; far from it. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle hall breaks down Psalm 51, David’s confession to God after committing adultery and murder, and shows us how we can use it as a model for confessing our own sins.

Isaiah 7:14: The Love of Messiah

A little bit of a shorter message this week, as the Children’s Performance was this Sunday. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how the glimpse of Christ we receive at this time of year points to the reality of why he came to earth.

Isaiah 9:1-7: The Joy of Messiah

We refer to Christmas as the Advent season, where we both look back to what was accomplished through Christ’s birth and look forward to what will be accomplished when Christ returns. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shows how Isaiah prophesied the Joy that would come both from the birth of the Messiah and His eventual return.

Isaiah 11:1-10: The Hope of Messiah

As we enter the Advent Season, we look at Isaiah’s promise of a coming Messiah who would save Israel. In this week’s message, Pastor Scot Gourley shares how Jesus fulfilled this promise and what that means for us today.