Sermons (Page 21)

Sermons (Page 21)

Revelation 9:13-21: God’s Justice, God’s Mercy

Continuing in Revelation, we see God’s wrath poured out on Sinners, yet we also see God’s mercy being rejected by those who choose to worship idols. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how we too have idols we worship and what we need to do to make tear them down and worship Jesus alone.

Revelation 9:1-12: The Fifth Trumpet

The Fifth Trumpet is unique in Revelation. It is the only time that John states those in Christ will be protected from the coming tribulation. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how many churches have taken this to mean Christians will not be troubled, but that this is not what this Scripture or the Bible as a whole promises those who follow Jesus.

Revelation 8:6-13: The First Four Trumpets

As we continue in chapter 8 of Revelation, we see God’s wrath poured out on the earth. While it can be hard to see something good in this, ultimately this is all done for God’s glory. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares just how God’s judgement and His mercy are interconnected and ultimately glorify Him.  

Revelation 8:1-5: The Seventh Seal

As we continue in out study of Revelation, we come to the Seventh Seal, where Heaven falls silent. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley works through the transition between the seals and the trumpets as the book moves towards the judgement of God.  

Revelation 7:1 17: The Righteous Shall Stand

Last week, we were left with the question of who shall stand in the presence of the Lord. In this week’s message in Revelation, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how it is the Righteous, those redeemed by Christ, who shall stand and what that means for us. We had some issues with sound this week. and as a result, part of Pastor Gourley’s message is missing. We do apologize, and we should have everything working properly next week.

Revelation 6:1-16: Who Can Stand?

As we enter Revelation chapter 6, we start to see God’s judgment poured out on the world. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares just what we can learn about God’s love and justice in this chapter.

Revelation 5:1-14: The Throne Room of God: The Glory of Jesus

As Revelation moves into the fifth chapter, the focus of the vision shifts. Where the end of Chapter 4 focused on the Glory of God the Father, the start of chapter 5 focuses much more on the Glory of Jesus. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how Jesus is worth of all Glory as the risen lamb that was slain.

Revelation 4:1-11: The Throne of God

We jump back into our study of Revelation this week by looking at the start of Chapter 4. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how John’s narrative allows us a glimpse behind the curtain to see what God’s throne room and what is really happening.

Acts 4:1-22: Salvation In No One Else

Sharing the Gospel can be very difficult, especially in this time with COVID-19 and all of the unrest in this world. The problem is there is no other name by which anyone can be saved but Jesus, so it is important for us to be sharing the Gospel, especially in times like the present. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall shares why it is important and how we can share the Gospel with boldness.

Philippians 4:4-9: Contentment in Christ

In this time of turmoil, it can be hard to find any form of contentment. The things in which we have trusted continue to fail us, and we struggle to find replacements. In this week’s sermon, Erik Maness explains how we can only find true contentment in Christ.