Sermons (Page 27)

Sermons (Page 27)

Psalm 135: Praise the Lord

Psalm 135 focuses on God and why we should be praising Him, but this world tends to lead us to praise other things. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley shares why we should praise God using this Psalm as a backdrop. Psalm 135


Communion is the second of the two ordinances performed by the church based on the commands of Jesus in Scripture. We tend to think of Communion only as a remembrance of what Christ did for us, but in this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley explains how it is so much more than just a memorial. Communion


Baptism is one of two ordinances performed by the church based on the commands of Jesus in Scripture, but what does it really mean to follow this command? In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains why we baptize by immersion and what it means to the church. Baptism

Matthew 28:16-20: Make Disciples

Jesus’ last instructions to His disciples was they were to go into all the world and make disciples of their own. We know this as Christians, but we often do not take this commission seriously. In this week’s sermon, Pastor Scott Gourley shares how serious the Great Comission truly is. Matthew 28:16-20

Matthew 27:62-66; 28:11-15: Denial

There are many theories about the conspiracy of the Resurrection of Jesus, but in 2000 years, nothing has been found to prove Jesus did not rise again. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley goes over the conspiracy to hide His Resurrection and how we can have confidence that Christ truly rose from the dead. Matthew 27:62-66; 28:11-15

Judges 3:12-30: The Deliverance Of A People

When you look through Judges, you see the same cycle repeating: Israel sins, God delivers them over to an oppressor, Israel cries out for deliverance, God raises a judge to rescue them. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall focuses on one such judge, Ehud, and explains how his deliverance of Israel is a parallel of the deliverance we have in Christ. Judges 3:12-30

Matthew 27:45-56: The Death of Jesus

As we approach Easter, we reach the part of Matthew that deals with Jesus’ death on the cross. This was a time of great distress for those closest to him, and none who were there understood what was truly taking place. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains the different reactions to Jesus’ death and just what it all meant. Matthew 27:45-56

Matthew 27:32-44: The Crucifixion

Through all the pain, torment, and mockery Jesus endured, He allowed Himself to be crucified, staying on the cross to pay for our sin. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what we can learn from both the mockery and the willingness of Christ to stay on the cross. Matthew 27:32-44

Psalm 89:49-52: Justice for the Unjust

When we are mocked, hurt, or treated unjustly, we often want to strike back at those who treated us that way. In Psalm 89, however, the writer cries out to God about the mockery being done to his anointed, a direct prophecy of what would happen to Jesus as He was prepared for the Cross. In this week’s message, Pastor Scott Gourley connects this Psalm with the description of what Jesus faced in Matthew 27:26-31. Psalm 89:49-52