Acts 28:1-10: To Follow is to Faith
For those who have fully committed their lives to God, there are seasons when it feels as though nothing’s happening. God’s definitely working, but there’s just no visible fruit. How are we to respond? We are to respond in faith, faithful to what we have been called to do, trusting His faithfulness in that which only He can do. Acts 28:1-10
Acts 27:27-44: Following the Leader
When Godly leaders commit themselves to God’s plans and purposes, He is glorified and men and women are saved. We can learn a lot from Paul’s leadership in the storm. There are people around us everyday who are just trying to weather the storm. The question we must ask ourselves: Will we choose to lead them from the darkness into God’s glorious Light? Acts 27:27-44
Acts 27:1-26: The Anchor of Our Soul
In this life, we face numerous storms. Sometimes we may find ourselves wondering where Jesus is in the midst of them. Storms will come and storms will go, but we must put our faith in Jesus who is always sovereign over the storm and who always remains with us through the storm. Acts 27:1-26
Acts 26:1-32: A Living Hope
Our hope is not a whimsical hope but a hope founded in the promises of God and demonstrated in the power of Jesus’ resurrection. We have an enduring hope that there is a life after this one, and that God has given us a share in it. Acts 26:1-32
Acts 25:1-22: God Is In Control
In the midst of the chaos of the chaos of this life, we can tend to forget that God is the one who controls the micro and the macro. Acts 25:1-22 shows just how God can be in control, even when it does not feel like He is. Acts 25:1-22
Acts 24:22-27: The Supreme Value of the Gospel
There is nothing of greater value in this world than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Man believes himself to be free, but in reality, he is imprisoned to his sinful nature and the temptations of this world, always seeking to rule in God’s place. However, the Good News is that Jesus frees us from the bondage of sin and temptation and transforms our desires so that we want to see Him on the throne, not ourselves. Acts 24:22-27
Acts 24:1-21: The Irony of the Gospel
Irony is one of the great literary elements that help us unlock the text. As Christians, we are often accused by others, but Jesus has made us righteous, and it is our accusers who are ultimately guilty. This is all because of the great irony of the Gospel. Although Jesus died on the cross, this was all part of the Father’s plan, that in His death He would make payment for our sinfulness and in His resurrection, He would defeat…
Acts 23:11-35: His Sovereign Will & Providential Ways
Everything God does is for His glory. We often forget this and think we’re at the center of the universe instead of God. Because everything God does is for His glory, everything we do and experience is an opportunity to point others to His majesty. Even in the most challenging times, we may not understand why He is putting us through it or having us go through it, but we follow Him through it in faith, trusting that He will…
Acts 22:22 – 23:11: Five Gospel Truths
God is always at work around us, asking us to join Him. He orchestrates opportunities all the time for us to share the Gospel with those around … all for the purpose of bringing to Him the glory He deserves. How will we respond when Jesus gives us an opportunity to share the Gospel? Acts 22:22 – 23:11
Acts 21:37-22:24: Witnesses to His Glory
Not only does the Bible prescribe that we are to make disciplers, but it also describes how we are to go about doing this. Paul’s example shows us that the one of the most effective tools we have in discipleship is our personal testimony. We begin and continue the process of discipleship by testifying to Jesus’ ongoing transformative work in our lives. Acts 21: 37 – 22: 24