Sermons from 2024 (Page 5)
Matthew 28:16-20: All of His Mission
As Christians, we are all familiar with the Great Commission. Part of the problem with this familiarity, however, is we maybe overlook what Christ was really asking us to do. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall looks at just what Jesus meant when He sent us into the world to make disciples.
2 Peter 3:11-18: Living in Light of His Return
As we come to the end of 2 Peter, Peter gives Christians a breakdown of just what it means to live in light of the fact Jesus is returning. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall shares what it means to live with our minds focused on Jesus.
2 Peter 3:1-10: He Will Come Again
As Peter continues in his second letter, he pivots to dealing with those in his day who were denying that Jesus would return again for His own. In this week’s passage, Pastor Kyle Hall explains how we face similar denials of God currently and how we can handle them.
2 Peter 2:10-22: Promising Freedom – Delivering Slavery
As we continue in Peter’s second letter, we see that he delves deeper into his criticism of false teachers. In this week’s message, Pastor Kyle Hall breaks down how false teachers claim they offer freedom but actually offer chains.
2 Peter 2:1-9: False Teachers, Divine Judgment, Righteous Rescue
As we continue through Peter’s second letter, we come to his warnings about False Teachers and their infiltration into the church. In today message, Pastor Kyle Hall explains how God will judge all false teachers but rescue those who trust in Jesus.
2 Peter 1:16-21: Power and Majesty
Peter was a witness to the true power and majesty of Christ at the Transfiguration. As we progress through 2 Peter, Pastor Don McAllister helps us see what this power and majesty means to us.
2 Corinthians 4:7-18: Weak Vessels, Glorious Instruments
We often try to present ourselves as strong when we are anything but, putting our identity in the things of this world instead of Christ. In his final sermon at The Way Fellowship Church, Pastor Scott Gourley explains what Paul meant when he said we hold our greatest treasure in clay jars.